SEM Course Number Course Name Author Title Ed Coursewre/ Ebook? PUB IA Student Price Notes Physical Textbook ISBN
S25 ACCT 2123 Managerial Accounting Wild Fundamentals of Acctng Prin. 25 Connect MCG $142.99 continuation 2123, already purchased in 2113 9781260780185
S25 ACCT 2213 Acct in Quickbooks Yacht Computer Accounting With Quickbooks Online: A Cloud Based Approach 2024 Connect MCG $134.99
S25 AHP 1013 Medical Terminology Allan Essentials of Medical Language 4 Connect MCG $91.99 9781264202522
S25 Art 1013 Art History Prehistoric Stokstad Art History Volume 1 6 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134479279
S25 Art 1023 Art History Ren-Contemp Stokstad Art History Volume 2 6 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134479262
S25 ART 1053 Art Appreciation Getlein Living with Art 13 Connect MCG $91.99 9781265559199
S25 ART 1183 (DMD 1183) no fall sections Computer Drawing: Illustrator Wood Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book 2024 1 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780137967179
S25 ASTR 1504 Astronomy Seeds Horizons Exploring the Universe 15 ebook CENG $45.99 9781337111232
S25 AT 1153 Basic Automotive Fundamentals Halderman Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service 6 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780135257272
S25 AT 1204 A.S.E. Engine Performance Halderman Automotive Engine Performance 5 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134074917
S25 AT 1224 ASE Suspension & Steering Halderman Automotive Steering, Suspension, & Alignment 8 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780135674542
S25 AT 1304 GM Engine Repair Halderman Automotive Engines:Theory + Servicing 10 ebook Pearson 46.99
S25 AT 1324 GM Engine Performance Halderman Automotive Engine Performance 5 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134074917
S25 AT 2101 ASE Certification Prep Halderman ASE Test Prep 4 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780138204112
S25 AT 2214 A.S.E. Auto Trans Halderman Automatic Transmissions + Transaxles 8 ebook Pearson 46.99
S25 AT 2234 A.S.E. Heat & Air Cond Systems Halderman Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning 9 ebook Pearson 46.99
S25 AT 2324 GM Auto Transmissions & Transaxles Halderman Automatic Transmissions + Transaxles 8 ebook Pearson 41.99
S25 AT 2334 no fall sections A.S.E. Heat & Air Cond Systems Halderman Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning 9 ebook Pearson 41.99 Cont. course
S25 BIO 1011 General Biology Lab McGraw Hill Virtual Labs 1 Connect MCG $71.99 9781264301195
S25 BIO 1023 Nutritiion Byrd-Bredbenner Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach 3 Connect MCG 87.99 9781266360329
S25 BIO 1113 General Biology Hoefnagels Biology Essentials 4 Connect MCG $85.99 list in both 1113 and 1114 9781266363559
S25 BIO 1114 General Biology (Non-Majors) Hoefnagels Biology Essentials 4 Connect MCG $85.99 list in both 1113 and 1114 9781266363559
S25 BIO 1124 General Biology I (Majors) Brooker Biology 6 Connect MCG $137.99 9781265505110
S25 BIO 1134 General Biology II (Majors) Brooker Biology 6 Connect MCG $137.99 continuation, already purchased in 1124 9781265505110
S25 BIO 1314 Anatomy & Physiology Saladin Anatomy & Physiology 10 Connect MCG $137.99 9781265064709
S25 BIO 1414 Anatomy & Physiology Saladin Anatomy & Physiology 10 Connect MCG $137.99 Cont'd 9781265064709
S25 BIO 2114 Botany Levetin Plants and Society 9 ebook MCG $50.99 9781266710551
S25 BIO 2125 Microbiology Chess Foundations of Microbiology 12 Connect MCG $97.99 9781265083717
S25 BIO 2234 Human Physiology Fox Human Physiology 16 Connect MCG $112.99 9781266362743
S25 BIO 2255 Human Anatomy McKinley Human Anatomy 6 ebook MCG $50.99
S25 BIO 2343 Genetics and Man Lewis Human Genetics 14 Connect MCG $91.99
S25 BUS 1013 Intro to Business Kelly Busn 12 12 MindTap CENG $79.99 9780357467190
S25 BUS 1083 Employment Transitions Blackett Career Achievement 4 Connect MCG $55.99 9781265554873
S25 BUS 1323 Math for Business Careers Slater Practical Business Math Procedures 14 Connect MCG $91.99 9781265573980
S25 BUS 2033 Business Communication Guffey Business Communication 11 MindTap CENG $112.99
S25 BUS 2043 Business Ethics Ghillyer Business Ethics Now 6 Connect MCG $112.99 9781264091591
S25 BUS 2073 Legal Environment of Workplace Clarkson Business Law 15 MindTap CENG $129.99 9780357535448
S25 BUS 2473 Business Spreadsheet Applications Nordell Microsoft Office Excel Simnet for Word 365 2021 1 Coursewre MCG $73.99 9781266773150
S25 CAT 1253 3D Parametric Modeling Tran Solidworks 2024 Basic Tools 1 ebook SDC Pub $60.99
S25 CAT 2003 Catia V5 Fundamentals Tickoo CATIA V5-6R2022 for Designers 20 ebook CADCIM $49.00 9781640571488
S25 CAT 2023 no fall sections Design Mechanics Limbrunner Applied Statics & Strength of Materials 7 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780135716762
S25 CD 2093 (Psy 2093) (Soc 2093) Families and Societies Fadiman Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down 12 ebook Macmillan $11.99 9780374533403
S25 CD 2093 (Psy 2093) (Soc 2093) Families and Societies Cherlin Public and Private Families 9 Connect MCG $76.99 9781264084876
S25 CD 2113 (PSY 2113) Intro to Child Development Martorell Child 3 Connect MCG $91.99 9781266290589
S25 CD 2153 Intro to Early Childhood Education Copple Developmentally Appropriate Practice 4 ebook NAEYC $50.99 9781938113956
S25 CD 2153 Intro to Early Childhood Education Feeney Who Am I in Lives of Children 12 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134737249
S25 CD 2223 Marriage Lamanna Marriages Families & Relationships 14 ebook CENG $45.99 9780357368749
S25 CD 2333 Curriculum and Play Copple Developmentally Appropriate Practice 4 ebook NAEYC $50.99 cont from 2153 9781938113956
S25 CD 2333 Curriculum and Play Bullard Creating Environments for Learning 3 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134115504
S25 CD 2353 Child Health Safety & Nutrition Louv Last Child in the Woods 8 ebook Hachette 11.99 9781565126053
S25 CD 2353 Child Health Safety & Nutrition Sorte Nutrition Health & Safety 4 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780136647775
S25 CD 2363 Guidance of Young Children Marion Guidance of Young Children 10 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134748153
S25 CD 2443 Language & Literature for Young Children Beaty Fifty Early Childhood Literacy Strategies 3 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780132690072
S25 CD 2443 Language & Literature for Young Children Vukelich Helping Young Children Learn 5 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134866598
S25 CD 2503 (PSY 2503) Human Sexuality see Psy Yarber Human Sexuality w/Proctorio+ 11 Connect MCG $101.99 9781265892197
S25 CD 2713 Infant Toddler Development Gonzalez Infants Toddlers and Caregivers 12 Connect MCG $81.99 9781264085491
S25 CD 2813 Early Child Center Personal Development/Management Hearron Developing and Administering Child Care Ed Program 9 ebook CENG $50.99 9781305088085
S25 CD 2833 Early Child Center Personal Development/Management Hearron Developing and Administering Child Care Ed Program 9 ebook CENG $50.99 continued from CD 2813 9781305088085
S25 CHEM 1103 Chemistry Around Us Heller Visualizing Everyday Chemistry 1 ebook Wiley $47.99 9781119150558
S25 CHEM 1115 Chemistry 1 Brown Chemistry: The Central Science 15 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $83.99 9780137542772
S25 CHEM 1123 Survey of General, Organic, and Biochem Timberlake Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry 13 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $88.99 9781323749517
S25 CHEM 1215 Chemistry 2 Brown Chemistry: The Central Science 15 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $88.99 9780137542772
S25 CHEM 2114 Organic Chemistry Klein Organic Chemistry 4 ebook Wiley $82.99 9781119659594
S25 CHEM 2124 Organic Chemistry Klein Organic Chemistry 4 ebook (con't) Wiley $82.99 Continued 9781119659594
S25 COM 1123 Interpersonal Communication Adler Looking Out Looking In 15 MindTap CENG $64.99 9781305940628
S25 COM 2213 Public Speaking Nelson iSpeak 5 ebook MCG $50.99 9780078036880
S25 CS 1103 Intro to Computer Applications Campbell/Carey New Perspectives Collection Microsoft 365 & Office 2021 21 MindTap CENG $135.99 same as 1333 9780357949436
S25 CS 1143 Beginning Programming Gaddis Starting Out w/ C++ Brief from Control Structures to Objects Brief Ed w/Revel 10 Courseware Pearson $99.99
S25 CS 1153 Intro to Computing Technologies Ucertify CompTIA It Fundamentals FC0-U61 Codeless Courseware Ucert $99.99 9781644590140
S25 CS 1333 Database Management Apps Campbell/Carey New Perspectives Collection Microsoft 365 & Office 2021 21 MindTap CENG $135.99 same as 1103 9780357949436
S25 CS 1413 Computer Hardware Andrews CompTIA A+ Guide to Computing 10 MindTap CENG $113.99 9780357012918
S25 CS 2163 Java Liang Intro to Java Programming and Data 12 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780136520238
S25 CS 2363 C++ Savitch Absolute C++ 6 ebook Pearson 46.99
S25 CS 2413 Website Development Felke-Morris Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5 10 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780135919996
S25 CS 2443 SQL Server Murach Murach's SQL Server 2019 For Developer 20 ebook Murach $64.99 9781943872572
S25 CS 2453 Visual Basic Gaddis Starting Out w/Visual Basic 8 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780135204658
S25 CS 2463 Advanced Java Liang Intro to Java Programming and Data 12 ebook Pearson 46.99 cont'd from CS 2163 9780136520238
S25 CS 2513 Client-Side Programming Carey Javascript for Web Warriors 7 ebook CENG $50.99 9780357638002
S25 CS 2563 C# Murach Murach's C# 7 ebook Murach $49.99 9781943872534
S25 CS 2623 Server-Side Programming Murach Murach's PHP and MYSQL 4 ebook Murach $64.99 9781943873005
S25 CS 2723 Web Security Harwood Internet and Web Application Security + Cloud Labs 3 Courseware Jones & Bartlett $162.99 9781284090550
S25 CS 2743 Enterprise Security Management Whitman Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery 3 ebook CENG $50.99 9780357508336
S25 CS 2783 Cyber Forensics 21 Steuarts Guide to Computer Forensics & Investigations 7 MindTap CENG $112.99
S25 CS 2813 IT Project Management Schwalbe Info Tech Project Management 9 MindTap CENG $112.99 9781337750660
S25 DMD 1023 Intro to Graphic Design Landa Graphic Design Solutions 6 ebook CENG 49.99 same as 1513 9781337554053
S25 DMD 1053 Electronic Publishing: Indesign Anton Adobe Indesign Classroom in a Book 2024 1 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780138263911
S25 DMD 1153 Digital Photography Stone Short Course in Photography: Digital 4 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134525815
S25 DMD 1183 (ART 1183) Computer Drawing: Illustrator Wood Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book 2024 1 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780137622153
S25 DMD 2773 Image Editing: Photoshop I Chavez Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book 2023 1 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780137965892
S25 ECON 2023 Statistics for Business & Economics Anderson Essentials of Modern Business Statistics 8 MindTap CENG $154.99 9780357531143
S25 ECON 2123 Microeconomics Steverson Principles of Economics 3 Connect Macmillan $116.99 9781319330156
S25 ECON 2143 Macroeconomics Steverson Principles of Economics 3 Connect Macmillan $116.99 9781319330156
S25 ECON 2303 Money and Banking Money, Banking and Financial Markets 6 Connect MCG $109.99 9781264091447
S25 ENGL 1113 English Comp 1 Hoeffner The Writer's Mindset 1 Connect MCG $24.99 Not con't 9781260526387
S25 ENGL 1213 English Comp 2 Hoeffner The Writer's Mindset 1 Connect MCG $20.99 Not con't 9781260526387
S25 ENGL 2123 Introduction to Literature Mays Norton Intro to Lit, Shorter 14 ebook Norton $41.99 9780393886306
S25 ENGR 2133 Statics Beer Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics 12 Connect MCG $70.99 2523 is Con't, but 2243 is NOT 9781259638091
S25 ENGR 2143 Strength of Materials Beer Mechanics of Materials 8 Connect MCG $104.99 9781260113273
S25 ENGR 2243 Rigid Body Mechanics Beer Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics 12 Connect MCG $70.99 2523 is Con't, but 2243 is NOT 9781259638091
S25 ENGR 2523 no fall sections Dynamics Beer Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics 12 Connect MCG $70.99 cont'd 9781259638091
S25 ENGR 2613 Electrical Science Hayt Engineering Circuit Analysis 10 ebook MCG $50.99
S25 ENGR 2623 Circuits and Sensors Hayt Engineering Circuit Analysis 10 ebook MCG $50.99
S25 FIN 2023 Intro to Business Finance Block Found of Business Finance 18 Connect MCG $132.99 9781266763670
S25 GEOL 1064 Earth Science Marshak Earth Science (LAB MANUAL) 4 NORTON courseware NORT $107.99 9780393697124
S25 GEOL 1064 Earth Science Marshak Earth Science (TEXT) 3 NORTON courseware NORT $107.99 9780393419764
S25 GEOL 1114 General Geology Marshak Essentials of Geology 7 ebook NORT $67.99 9780393883091
S25 GEOL 1114 General Geology Marshak Lab Manual Introductory Geology 4 ebook NORT $61.99 9780393617528
S25 HIST 1623 MW01S Modern Western Civilization Wiesel Night 1 ebook Hachette $12.99
S25 HIST 2133 Survey of Women's History Varon Southern Lady, Yankee Spy 3 ebook OXF $7.99 Leslie Jones 97801951796897
S25 HIST 2203 EW01S Native American History (watch section) Dunbar-ortiz Indigenous Peoples History of the US 14 ebook PENG RAND $12.99 Leslie Jones sections 9780807057834
S25 HUM 1113 Music Appreciation Kamien Music Brief 10 Connect MCG $91.99 9781265139018
S25 HUM 2003 ED01S, MD01S, MW01S Happiness and Well-being Seligman Flourish 1 ebook Simon and Schuster $15.99 9781439190760
S25 HUM 2003 EW02S History of Rock and Roll Charlton Rock Music Styles: A History 9 Connect MCG $91.99 9781265060589
S25 HUM 2133 (PHIL 2133) Comparative Religions Molloy Experiencing Worlds Religions 8 ebook MCG $50.99 list in hum 2133 9781260570687
S25 HUM 2153 Introduction to Eastern Thought Bresnan Awakening: An Intro to Eastern Thought 7 ebook Taylor Francis $41.99 9781032122007
S25 HUM 2213 Humanities (Class/Med) Fiero Landmarks in Humanities 5 Connect MCG $87.99 9781264084999
S25 HUM 2223 Humanities (Modern) Fiero Landmarks in Humanities 5 Connect MCG $87.99 9781264084999
S25 HUM 2243 Film Studies Petrie Art of Watching Films 10 ebook MCG $50.99 9781264177721
S25 HUM 2423 Conflict Resolution Rosenberg Nonviolent Communication 1 ebook IPG $6.99 9781892005038
S25 JB 1013 Intro to Mass Comm Baran Intro to Mass Communication 12 Connect MCG $91.99 9781266161025
S25 JB 1103 Audio Production Sauls Audio Production Worktext OE 10 ebook Taylor Francis $41.99 9781138557048
S25 JB 2413 Prin of Public Relations Seitel Practice of Public Relations 14 ebook Pearson 46.99 9780134895444
S25 LEIS 1602 Total Wellness Insel Core Concepts in Health 18 Connect MCG $81.99 9781264786954
S25 MATH 0313 College Prep Math III Martin-Gay Algebra Foundations MyLab Math 2 Courseware Pearson $55.99 9780135757925
S25 MATH 1483 Functions & Modeling Harshbarger MYMATHLAB Col Alg w/Apps 6 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $74.99 9780134397023
S25 MATH 1503 Contemporary Math Denley Viewing Life Mathematically 2 Courseware Code Reveal Hawkes $102.99 9781941552254
S25 MATH 1533 Precalculus Sullivan Precalculus 11 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $83.99 9780135278482
S25 MATH 1613 Trigonometry Sullivan Precalculus 11 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $83.99 9780135278482
S25 MATH 1743 Calculus I Bus, Life, Soc LaTorre Calculus Concepts 5 WebAssign CENG $112.99 9781337068567
S25 MATH 2013 Intro to Statistics Diez Open Intro Statistics 4 WebAssign CENG $42.99
S25 MGMT 2013 Small Business Management Longenecker Small Business Management 19 ebook CENG $56.99 9780357039380
S25 MGMT 2033 Supply Chain Management Wisner Principles of Supply Chain Management 5 Mindtap CENG $152.99 9781337610667
S25 MGMT 2053 Principles of Management Williams MGMT 11 11 MindTap CENG $79.99 9781337407465
S25 MGMT 2663 Human Resource Management Noe Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage 13 Connect MCG $127.99
S25 MKT 2043 Prin of Marketing Grewal M Marketing 8 Connect MCG $111.99 9781265008222
S25 PHIL 1123 Critical Thinking Boss Think 5 Connect MCG $81.99 9781265815431
S25 PHIL 1213 Intro to Ethics Rosenstand Moral of the Story 9 Connect MCG $81.99 9781264085842
S25 PHYS 1013/ PHYS 1014 Physical Science Krauskopf Physical Universe 18 Connect MCG $102.99 9781264630479
S25 PHYS 1014 TR01S Physical Science Krauskopf Physical Universe 18 ebook MCG $50.99 On campus section only 9781265891725
S25 PHYS 1114 Physics 1 Walker Physics Modified Mastering 5 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $88.99 not continued 9780134564128
S25 PHYS 1214 Physics 2 Walker Physics Modified Mastering 5 Courseware Code Reveal Pearson $88.99 not continued 9780134769219
S25 PHYS 2014 (all but Thurston sections) Engineering Physics I Serway Physics for Scientists and Engineers 9 ebook CENG $56.99 978133953951
S25 POLSC 1113 American Federal Government Morone By the People 6 ebook OXF $44.99 9780197661505
S25 POLSC 2603 Intro to Comparative Politics O'Neil Cases and Concepts in Comparative Politics 3 Courseware Norton $46.99
S25 PSY 1113 General Psychology King Science of Psychology w/Proctorio+ 6 Connect MCG $91.99 9781266302862
S25 PSY 1123 Stress Management Greenberg Comprehensive Stress Management 15 Connect MCG $81.99 9781264085507
S25 PSY 2093 (CD 2093 SOC 2093) Families and Societies Cherlin Public and Private Families 9 Connect MCG $76.99 9781264084876
S25 PSY 2093 (CD 2093 SOC 2093) Families and Societies Fadiman Spirit Catches You, You Fall Down 12 Ebook MPS $11.99 9780895175311
S25 PSY 2113 (CD 2113) Intro to Child Development Martorell Child 3 Connect MCG $91.99 9781266290589
S25 PSY 2123 Behavioral Statistics Gravetter Essentials of Stats For Behavioral Sciences 10 MindTap CENG $107.99 9780357585030
S25 PSY 2163 (SOC 2163) Death, Dying, and Grief DeSpelder Last Dance: Encountering Death & Dying 11 Connect MCG $91.99 9781260274325
S25 PSY 2193 Personality Theories Feist Theories of Personality w/Proctorio+ 10 Connect MCG $101.99 9781264084951
S25 PSY 2233 (SOC 2243) Ethics in Health and Human Services Pence Medical Ethics w/Proctorio+ 9 Connect MCG $105.99
S25 PSY 2403 Developmental Psychology Santrock Lifespan Development w/Proctorio+ 19 Connect MCG $101.99 9781266878763
S25 PSY 2503 (CD 2503) Human Sexuality see Psy Yarber Human Sexuality w/Proctorio+ 11 Connect MCG $101.99 9781265892197
S25 Psy 2603 Psychology of Women Crawford Transformations: Women, Gender, and Psychology 4 Connect MCG $76.99 9781264170111
S25 PSY 2743 (SOC 2743) Social Psychology Myers Social Psychology w/Proctorio+ 14 Connect MCG $101.99 9781265884857
S25 PSY 2853 Abnormal Psychology Nolen Abnormal Psychology w/Proctorio+ 9 Connect MCG $101.99 9781266290787
S25 PTA 1151 Clinical Prep I Wedge Physical Therapy Clinical Handbook for PTAs 4 ebook Jones & Bartlett 47.99 9781284226157
S25 SLPA 2043 Adult Neurogenic Comm Disorder Manasco Intro to Neurogenic Communication Disorders w/Navigate 3 ebook Jones & Bartlett $62.99 9781284175592 includes Navigate
S25 SOC 1113 Introductory Sociology Wade Terrible, Magnificent Sociology with InQuizitive 5 NORTON courseware NORT $41.99 9780393876963
S25 SOC 2023 Social Problems Atkinson Social Problems: Soc in Action 2 Courseware SAGE $72.99 special order book, opt out to buy 9781071851227
S25 SOC 2093 CD 2093 (PSY 2093) Families and Societies Cherlin Public and Private Families 9 Connect MCG $76.99 9781264084876
S25 SOC 2093 CD 2093 (PSY 2093) Families and Societies Fadiman Spirit Catches You, You Fall Down 12 ebook MPS $11.99 9780374533403
S25 SOC 2143 Race and Ethnicity Golash Race and Racisms 3 ebook OXF $51.99 9780197533222
S25 SOC 2163 (PSY 2163) Death, Dying, and Grief DeSpelder Last Dance: Encountering Death & Dying 11 Connect MCG $91.99 9781260274325
S25 SOC 2243 (PSY 2233) Ethics Health Human Services Pence Medical Ethics 9 Connect MCG $81.99 9781264085811
S25 SOC 2313 Intro to Social Work Cox Intro to Social Work: An Advocacy-Based Profession w/Vantage 3 Courseware SAGE $75.99 9781071856987
S25 SOC 2743 (PSY 2743) Social Psychology Myers Social Psychology w/Proctorio+ 14 Connect MCG $101.99 9781265884857
S25 TA 1103 Introduction to Theatre Wilson Theatre The Lively Art 2024 ebook MCG $50.99 new ed needs new ISBN